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Home with Meg - A Weekly Home & Real Estate Recap


Welcome to the re-launch of our weekly newsletter! Every Sunday morning I’ll be sending this email for you to enjoy with your morning coffee!

Spring Market is in full-swing, this week in the Fredericton area we saw:

60 New Listings (Click here to see the New Listings ) 42 Sold Listings (Click here to see the Sold Listings with Sale Prices) *be sure to click the address, it will bring you to another page to see the sale price!

Featured Listing of the week:1459 Rte 655 - Check out the listing here!


I am so proud and excited to share the launch of my new partnership “LunchBox Listing” with our local Student Hunger program to help give back to our community

We’ve all seen the drastic cost of living increase the last few years, many families are impacted making it hard to make ends meet.

Our local Fredericton Community Kitchen has an amazing service called the Student Hunger program which provides 250-350 lunches each day to 18 schools in the Fredericton area. The program also serves about 150-200 backpacks of non-perishables items for students to bring home to their families on the weekend

That’s +70,000 meals each year in the Fredericton area to students & their families

The LunchBox Listing is a collaborative partnership to help donate food & lunches to children in the Fredericton area

A few things we’ll be doing to help the organization is:

  • For each of my Listings Sold, I’ll donate 20 meals ($100 value) directly to the program when the home closes

  • For each home my client’s buy, I’ll donate 20 meals ($100 value) directly to the program when the home closes

  • Each new listing will be topped with our exclusive LunchBox Listing topper to help with local awareness

  • Sharing when the program needs food donations

We’re launching this partnership with our first LunchBox Listing - 1459 Rte 655 which is also our new Mayflower Co Build!

There are many ways to help the program like donating or volunteering!

If you would like to donate directly to the organization, you can do so here:

If you’re considering selling or buying, my website is filled with information to help

Thanks for reading ✨ Meg's Weekly Recap ✨!

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